Sunday, November 17, 2019

This is another custom request card.  A friend of mine has a son who is a captain in the US Army.  She asked that I make a Christmas card that she could send to her son and his wife.  After giving it some thought, I wanted to acknowledge his service to our country and I also wanted the card to reflect the true meaning of Christmas.  And this is what I came up with.  

This is one of my all-time favorite cards that I have made.  It was the result of a request from a friend of mine.  She needed a card to send to her friend whose father had recently passed away.  The father was a World War II veteran.  On top of that, my friend had an aunt who was a nurse in World War II and had written a book about her experience.  I read the book; her writing was so descriptive that I could almost smell the smells, hear the sounds, and feel the heat and cold she wrote about.  So when I was making this card, all these emotions were going through my head.  I am naturally a very patriotic person and have a strong sense of national loyalty.  I also have a super high regard for veterans.  I pondered all these things and then found this paper and the rest is history.  I added the gold ribbon because the color reminded me of the uniforms that WW II soldiers wore.  And that is the story behind this card.